Sunday, January 07, 2007

Are you ready for some football?

The alarm went off at 8am this morning. Not early for normal people, but early for Mr. Cook and I. But this was a special occasion. A chance to partake - albeit from several thousand miles away - and be the 12th man. That's right. The Seattle Seahawks vs. Dallas Cowboys courtesy of Cambodian cable television and ESPN.

Now I can hear most all of you saying, "What? You guys follow football? Since when?" (You may have noticed that Mr. Cook and I both have the ability to know exactly what you all are thinking.) Since we moved to another country I say. Ah yes. Nothing like a yearning for the homeland to turn Mr. Cook and yours truly into football fans. That and a reminder from Jed that the game was even happening at all.

In all honesty, Mr. Cook was the more avid of the two of us since I didn't join in on the watching part until there were 9 minutes left in the game. (A girl needs her beauty sleep.) But what a nine minutes it was. Even Mr. Cook, who is by no means a sports aficionado, was captured by the excitement and yelling advice to the screen. No doubt we'll fall short again this year, but at least we'll give it another valiant effort. And while that effort is being made, there will be two voices coming from SE Asia yelling "Go Hawks!"

DEAN RUTZ / THE SEATTLE TIMES Seattle cornerback Jordan Babineaux saves the day and the Seahawks' season when he catches Dallas quarterback and holder Tony Romo from behind as Romo heads for the goal line after bobbling the snap on a field-goal attempt from the Seattle 2-yard line with 1:14 left in the game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

with my bucs gone
with my 49ers missing
i also now am i seahawk fan
always a puzzle for me how a city as minor as seattle
always can field some pretty good sportsteams
must be tht the re is little else to do

6:22 PM  

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