Saturday, January 06, 2007

and handsome to boot

It has been a while, I'll admit since last we spoke. And I am sure the question on everyone's mind is "what have mr. and ms. cook been up to?". Well let me tell you.

I am now an internationally acclaimed trivia master. no, not master, but trivia GOD. "How did you achieve this stature and how do you cope with the added resposibilities?" I'm sure you are all asking yourselves. The short answer is one day at a time, and try not to abuse my powers. Although I have decided that I am now allowed to open and read my subjects' mail.

Still more of you may be asking, "what has mr. cook been huffing and why hasn't ms. cook taken it away?" or perhaps simply "what is he talking about and why does he think he can read our minds from a continent away?"

To tell the story we have to go back a couple of days, thursday to be precise. Every week a local pub has a trivia contest for charity. And last thursday for the scond time a team that I was a part of won. Which makes me the only person I know to have held such titles on multiple continents and in multiple countries.

Yes I can I hear my nieces and nephews addressing my various siblings "whycan't you be more exciting like uncle mr. cook?" If that were the case then I wouldn't be nearly as special as I am. So I say them " we are all special in our own way. Sure I, uncle mr. cook, am an internationally known trivia SUPERSTAR. But I can't fold origami worth a hoot."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure this is only because I am monocontinental in nature. Interestingly, I am missing the origami gene as well.

12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I however, your wonderful older neice in Alaska can fold origami. Not to brag but I now trivia too, only it is with geography, Harry Potter, and various other specific subjects.I am sure you do not know as much about Harry Potter as me.

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the trivial trivia is the only thing you have to brag about then bragging better left to those tht are not trivial

6:19 PM  

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