nonsensical ramblings on geckos and life in general

outside our restaurant there was a parade of sorts earlier today. it was for a joint korean/cambodian exposition. there were drums and dancers and people in costumes with giant heads, the streets were not closed off for this though. so the paraders had to avoid traffic.
we have been told that this is an exceptionally slow year for tourists. we are trying not to take it personally, but I know its because they find me intimidating. you see I have grown to a height of three meters and now weigh over 200 kilograms and most frightening of all have started to use the metric system. I have been known to breath fire in excess of 100degrees celsius.
the tallest man in china just died
so you aretaking over, sure dont take it personal we all have to eathumble pie before we get to the baked alaska , hang in there i have seen your menu and as long as my daughter doesnt tell the customers tht the special flavour is the gekko poop you wil do allright
Have any of the little critters tried to make you switch car insurance companies? Do they really speak with a Liverpoolian accent? I wouldn't be too concerned about the metric thing. I knew a guy once who started doing that for a few months, and he recovered fully.
we're you drunk when you wrote this? Miss all you guys.
Ah, if only we could write off Tony's nonsensical ramblings on mere drunkeness!
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