Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Wedding

You know you're in for something when you are invited to a two day wedding. And let me tell you, this was something. We participated in a parade of offerings, comedy and dance shows, a haircutting ceremony, a foot washing ceremony, offerings to Theary's parents, offerings to Jed's parents, several meals with traditional Cambodian food...if you can imagine it, it was probably a ceremony or at least part of one. And of course I am quite confident that at some point there was a marriage ceremony - the language barrier was in full effect so I can't say exactly when it happened, but it did. That said, Fila was on hand to translate for the Western crowd and I must say it helped a lot. Some of the comedians even managed to work the Westerners into their skit and I must say, Tom and Al do a traditional Cambodian dance quite well.

But in all seriousness, it was a lovely couple of days which were made all the better because it was the wedding of a good friend. It was such a joy to be there and to celebrate with Theary and Jed and all of their friends and family. The experience won't soon be forgotten...

Here is the link to some pictures of the wedding, including the picture of the now infamous orange suit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The couple looks happy and beautiful! I think Jed looks fab in his orange suit! love to see a picture of Ms. Cook or at least hear what color the skirt turned out to be. Ankor Wat looks amazing..

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur - I want pictures of the clothes you had made. It looked like a lot of fun.

2:17 PM  

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