Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Tour Group and an Accident

We have officially passed our first test as the chefs of the Warehouse! Two nights ago a tour group of 13 made a reservation to have dinner with us and I don't think it would be going to far to classify the night as a smashing success. (Especially since we haven't really had the chance to feed more than 5 or so customers on any given night.) The group was from Australia and is known as Indochina Tours. Their target is the retiree crowd that has money and they set up groups to travel throughout Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Its not a bad life on an Indochina Tour - 4 and 5 star resort hotels and equally fancy food and tour arrangements. So really its no wonder they choose to come to Mr. and Ms. Cook for their dinner....

We served them a set menu that included the following: As a starter we gave them a tomato and pineapple salad served with a spicy Asian dressing. The entree was a choice of pan roasted Grouper with a Khmer style caramel sauce or roast pork with an hoisin based BBQ sauce. Both of these were served with rice and sauteed vegetables. Desert was Mr. Cook's idea - a kabocha (Cambodian pumpkin) creme brulee. The menu went over really well and there were absolutely no hitches or issues during our first official event. (Unless you count the coffee pots, which I believe you actually have to be Khmer to pour them correctly.) You can hear the collective sigh of relief, right?

On a much sadder note, it appears as though all the comments about road safetly rules, etc has come to somewhat of a reality. Our friend Lin, a Cambodian who worked with us this summer at camp and who tends bar at the Warehouse, was in a really bad moto accident yesterday. He suffered serious head injuries and was helicoptered to Phnom Penh where he is currently stable after having surgery to release pressure on his brain. They won't have any answers on long term effects until they take him out of sedation, which probably won't be for a few more days.

So here's my request. All of you who pray, or cross fingers, or simply think good thoughts, send some over this way for Lin is the hopes that the end to this story is a good one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thoughts and hope are Lin's.

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Lin and all of you who love him and care for him.

10:16 PM  

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