Saturday, December 02, 2006

The final adventure

Which sounds very ominous, doesn't it? Not to worry. Just the final adventure of the wedding week. Attached is the link to some pictures from another one of our day trips - this one to Tonle Sap Lake, which is the largest lake in SE Asia.

We took a boat tour around a section of the lake with some other folks that were visiting for the wedding. It reminded me of the house boats in Holland, except these folks don't just have homes on the water, they have everything on the water. Shops, retaurants, schools...everything. The shoreline of the lake changes by several miles during the rainy season, so these villages are completly mobile. Its a really beautiful area to visit - and much less hot and sweaty then the temples!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there
do you guys ever work anymore
the a wedding
then a trip to a lake
then something else
it is time to get some cooking done and make an imptression on the locals there how about a rib night all you can eat and then feed them usa bbq ribs ask me for more suggestions

12:40 AM  

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