wompeters, foma, and gran falloons

Don't realy have a lot to say today but it had been a couple of days since I had written anything, so I thought I would tell you about one of our non work diversions. With our employment Jed bought us a membership at a health club. Now in many respects I could have put quotations around that but it is a legitimate health club although we just use for the ENORMOUS SALT WATER POOL. Yes we can escape the heat in the luxurious surroundings of the Prince d' Angkor Hotel and Spa, swimming laps, lounging in the excercise chaise lounges (yes I know thats redundant and an oxymoron), or just excerfrolicing. A new word defined as nonstructured aerobic activity for the dual purpose of fun and health. Many of you will complain that I made that up, to which I say. So What, its my blog I can verbigate if I want. Another new word meaning to make up words and meanings as you go. People are starting to arrive for the wedding and much fun should be had by all.