Friday, October 13, 2006

jet lag is fun

It was actually closer to 16 hours that I slept and it felt wonderful. thank you ms. cook for putting up with my adonis like sleeping mass.

arrival accomplished.

So here we are in Bangkok - after what felt like a "three hour tour". The flights took about 16 hours which added to several hours of layovers and other sorts of ground travel makes for a very long day. We are however safe and sound - minus of course a little jet lag. What time is it anyway? For that matter, what day is it?

Our first hotel was a lovely lesson in "don't judge a hotel by its website or lobby" - both of which were gorgeous. Unfortunately, that style and beauty has not made it to the rooms yet. So after some initial moments of frustration, we gathered our things and decided to head for greener pastures. Thank god for a lovely Thai taxi man known as Wichen, or Mr. Diamond, who ferried us first to the TAT office to make a reservation and then to the new hotel.

After a good twelve or so hours of sleep, we are ready to conquer the sights and maybe even the cuisine...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

and so it begins.

Alright. Minature elephants aside, we are now officially at the starting gate. So now is the time for last minute preparations, small panic attacks, and of course a very long plane ride. It doesn't seem real, but then again I don't suppose it will until we land and custom agents start asking the purpose of our visit...

fingers and toes crossed.


This morning, approxmaely six hours ago, we woke up in the United States of America for the last time.(naps today not included) The good ol' US of A. WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!! Are we out of are minds? For me the answer is obvious, yes. However,despite her fondness of me, Ms. Cook has always given the veneer of sanity. Or was I just being fooled, is she really a devious nut job like me. Welcome to the family I say and watch out for glue snifffing monkeys. Now all I have to do is convince her of the importance of miniaturizing elephants.

Thailand here we come, look out Siem Reap your next.