Thursday, March 01, 2007

no more temples, I promise.... maybe

What's the big deal with all these temples and shrines anyway. So what, so they were made over a thousand years ago in some cases.
But I say poo to you naysayers. I can hear you from here in the heart of darkness. Like a whisper in the wind.
I don't care I think these things are amongst the coolest things I have ever seen.

So Mr. Cook seems to be babbling for no discernible reason, no big deal. He is just concerned that the readers may be getting a bit bored of the temples. As the title suggests though, these are the last ones. We think.

So Ms. Cook and I and a stateside friends ventured far out into the wilderness to visit the last temples on our list. And after an hour plus in a tuktuk, one way, we hiked for two kilometers to a river shrine and a waterfall. Many of you may be wondering how far 2k is, it is about 17 dollars canadian. I think. Okay so I don't know how far, but it was far and hot and uphill.

An interesting side note is that this is the first and only hill we climbed in Cambodia. It is a very flat country.

Anyway we went to Kbal Spean, pronounced Krykewski, a shrine carved in to the rocks of a stream bed and dating from the 900's. The hike was hot and steep, but ultimately worth it. The riverbed is carved with mermaid's, monkeys, frogs, crocs, cows, and lingas. So many lingas in fact that it is known as the river of a thousand linga's. Which is comical because linga is also the khmer word for a certain part of a male anatomy.

Then we went to Banteay Srei, or the citadel of beauty or women. Srei meaning beauty or woman. A small temple built of pink sandstone so the carvings are far more intricate. This one was built around the tenth or eleventh centuries as well.

Our final stop was Pre Rup a large temple with twenty four towers and very tall. I don't have my guide book handy and forgot all the real significance of this one. But it was neat, lots of carved lions or the remnants there of.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When in Rome...

Are we getting ready for emergency surgery or was it a really dusty road to the temples? Whatever the reason, I think its safe to say that we look goooooooood.....

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mardi Gras 2007

So we're a week late and well into Lent, but nevermind. We're in a Buddhist country so no one's paying attention anyway. Here are the rest of the photos from last night's Mardi Gras festivities:

It was the first large street party thrown by The Warehouse and Viva and overall it was a huge success...once "the luge" was up and running that is. Good times were had by all - which is made obvious by the fact that it is almost 4pm here the day after and some of the major players are only just now straggling in.

He had to try it a second time...

And yes....that is a pink shirt he is wearing.