Wednesday, October 18, 2006

monkeys, monkeys, monkeys

A banner day in the life of mr. cook occurred yesterday. A day that could only be matched by the day he met ms. cook. I, loyal readers, saw monkeys in the wild. Just sitting there in tree watching me watch them. This occurred during our stay on Golden Buddha Beach (GBB), which by the way is GORGEOUS. You can see it at or when we can download our pictures. The way to GBB is 45 minutes by boat through mangrove thickets to a small fishing village where we were picked up by a toyota 4x4. This was a portent to the rollercoaster ride without rails that followed. Another 45 minutes on a 6 foot wide concrete road with 90 degree turns and numerous washouts turned into a dirt/sand road where we went through creek beds and ponds some of which were several feet deep. It was getting dark and a thunder storm was on the horizon and I thought your weary world travellers were going to get wet, did I mention that we were in the back of the truck. But we made it, and it is beautiful. Picture a cross between Blue Lagoon, Club paradise with robin williams, and The Beach. We had electricity from 6 to 11 for lights and the fans in our beach house, yes house, and the best food since we landed. There is 10k of white sand beach with a shore break of a 2 to 5 ft. Good for a little body surfing and very good for just bobbing up and down in the bath tub warm water. There is a vibrant shrimping industry that operates mainly at 3am with loud outboard engines. Lots of different types of lizards and birds and frogs that make weird noises at night. But the accomadations made me feels like Swiss Family Robinson.

This place was also hit by the tsunami and to hear the stories of loss and survival and to see the look in peoples eyes when they tell their stories broght me to tears. it is again right now. But they are rebuilding and recovering which should be an inspration to us all.

We both enjoyed ourselves immensely with numerous swims, more numerous naps, and another pitiful showing at cribbage for Mr. Cook, I thought I was good at that game. Ms. Cook glowed in the monsoon sunsets and truly seemed to be at ease. I feel very blessed to have been there with her. And to have met the people, survivors, of Golden Buddha Beach.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which makes me happier: your excitment at the experience itself, or the joy and amazement I hear when you describe sharing it with D. You are both blessed to have each other. This is one happy sister. K

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I wasn't the most supportive friend/relative you have, but now I am jealous. can't wait for the pictures and keep the entries coming.

11:54 AM  

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